Our Services

We Make Things Simple and well-planned by connecting with available resources.

Career & Finance Advising

Our dedicated team of career and finance advisors is here to guide you on your path to success. We understand that navigating…

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Holding Hand Service

Our “Holding Hand Service” is a mentorship program designed to provide you with invaluable support from experienced…

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Practicum and Job Placements

At “WE,” we recognize the importance of practical experience in launching a successful career. That’s why we offer practicum and…

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Student Advocacy

At “WE,” we are passionate about advocating for women students and ensuring they have a supportive learning environment.

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Bridging to New Career

If you’re looking to transition to a new career, our “Bridging to New Career” program is designed to support your goals.

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Immigrants & Refugees

We recognize the unique challenges faced by immigrant and refugee women as they navigate their way into the Canadian workforce.

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